Green Living Awards
The Green Living Awards, organised by NEA and North West CDC, serve to affirm Primary, Secondary Schools and Tertiary Institutions in the North West District for their efforts in advocating environmental conservation and good eco habits.
We are happy to announce that Unity Primary School has been awarded the Bronze Award. in these areas: Clean Public Toilets, Dengue Prevention, Cleanliness and Litter-free Environment, Climate Change and Reducing Energy Consumption, Waste Minimisation and Food Waste Reduction, 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).
Well done Team UPS!
Science Competitions
Abbott Young Scientist Award
The Abbott Young Scientist Award programme is organised by Science Centre Singapore and Abbott Laboratories, supported by the Ministry of Education. The programme targets students aged 11 years and below. Its aims are to:
Increase their interest and knowledge in a variety of STEM topics
Enable them to communicate science concepts and share their passion for science
Build character values such as responsibility, integrity and teamwork
The programme consists of a structured scheme involving project work, science content and science communication skills. The Award is a form of bursary for training the students in science through mentoring.
Quek Jia Qing Stanley (5E)
Muhammad Na'il Aidan Bin Muhammad Fadzli (5G)
West Zone Junior Science Whizz Challenge: Inter-Primary School Science Quiz
The West Zone Junior Science Whizz Challenge is organised by The West Zone Centre of Excellence for Science and Technology @ River Valley High School and the RVHS Science Leaders Academy.
The objectives of the Challenge are to instill interest in the quest for knowledge in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in Primary 6 students and to provide an opportunity for students from different schools to constructively challenge one another at a common platform.
Loke Yu Yuit (6G), Kendice Lim Zhuo Ying (6F), Chong Yu Chen Hazel (6F)
Lee Yuan Jun Brayden (6F), Qiu Yuezhen (6G), Jovian Sin Hong En (6G)
Raffles Science Olympiad (RSO)
The Raffles Science Olympiad is organised by Raffles Institution for Primary 5 Students. The objectives of the RSO are:
To provide an opportunity for bright young students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of Science
To engender in them a sense of wonder towards Science
To foster positive values, skills and attitudes in Science, such as creative and critical thinking, integrity and objectivity
Patel Ved Paresh (5G) – Participation Award
Gummalam Sankeerth Karthik (5F) – Participation Award
Dong Linfei (5G) – Merit Award
Lim Yun Zhen Jovan (5F) – Participation Award
Megan Ong Zhixuan (5F) – Participation Award
The Singapore Primary Science Olympiad (SPSO)
The Singapore Primary Science Olympiad is an annual national competition which has been organised by the NUS High School of Mathematics and Science since 2009. The objectives of SPSO are:
Identify Singapore's Science representatives for the International Mathematics and Science Olympiad (IMSO).
Generate greater interest in Biology, Chemistry and Physics among Primary school pupils.
Cultivate enthusiasm and instill a passion for science subjects.
Provide an avenue to showcase pupils' abilities in science subjects
Nurture talents in the Sciences
Dong Linteng (5F) – Gold Award
Lim Jia Di Mele (5G) – Bronze Award
Ren Hanlin (5G) – Bronze Award
Merit Awardees:
Aung Minn Thant (5G), Zhang Shaocheng (5F), Jensen Chang Yue Jun (5F), Mondol Mohamed Walid (5F), Lin Lae Yupar (5F)
Sharma Prisha (5G), Maeve Chin Xin Tong (5G), Li Dongrun (5G), Anindya Saha (5G), Ethan Shim Yu Heng (5G)
National Youth Upcycling Movement (NYUM)
The National Youth Upcycling Movement is aligned with the national drive towards environmental education and focuses on preparing students to be responsible global citizens. The objectives of the NYUM are:
To educate youth on the threats facing the natural environment
To inspire youth to take action in promoting a culture of sustainability through upcycling and green consumerism
The NYUM empowers each team to design and create upcycled household items using waste materials with guidance from experts and consultants in the industry.
Koo Jia Rou (5F), Ng Lyann (5G), Chia Cheah Teng (5D), Ellaga Joshua (5E), Hafiy Khalfani Bin Abdullah Caverte (5B)
The 27th National Primary Schools cum 14th Singapore-Malaysia-Brunei On-The-Spot Chinese Creative Essay Writing Competition
To promote Chinese culture and cultivate a passion for writing, the Singapore Foochow Association has resumed the 14th Singapore-Malaysia-Brunei On-The-Spot Chinese Creative Essay Writing Competition after a 2-year hiatus. On 19 May 2023, 17 students of our students represented the school to participate in the competition. We are pleased to announce that 3 of them clinched the following awards:
Hay Waddi Tun, P6G - 3rd in Category 丁
Lee Zhi Qi, Miko, P6E - Merit in Category甲
Aung Min Thant, P5G - Merit in Category 戊
The National School Game Achievement 2023
The NSG games commenced this year with changes to game format allowing teams to play more games and in tiered groupings. All our sports groups took part in the competition. We are proud to garner commendable achievements in the following games:
The Senior Boys Football team did extremely well coming in 4th in the West Zone Senior Division and eventually 2nd in Nationals. Throughout the competition they showed remarkable perseverance and dedication, culminating in the impressive championship win.
At the zonal level, our Senior Boys Basketball team came in top 8. While the competition was tough, their hard work, determination and teamwork paid off and resulted in the outstanding achievement. Their counterparts the Junior Boys Basketball team, also did us proud. They emerged top position in the Tier 3 Group competition.
The school also supported students who took part in non-school CCA NSG Games.
Ang Sheng Yang Eddy 5C (Junior Boys 1st International Nanquan (Southern Fist)) – 4th position, 1st International Nan Gun – 5th position)
Qiu Yuexiao 6F (Senior Boys 4-Duan Broadsword – 8th position)
Lim Zi Yang 4E (Junior Boys 50m Freestyle Individual – 3rd position)
National Public Speaking Competition 2023
The National Public Speaking Competition is a public speaking contest for students in the Primary and Secondary categories (by age group). Contestants get to experience the challenge of competing against the best speakers at the National level. The NPSC is currently into its 10th year of running (after the COVID-19 period).
This year, Afruz Salih from 5G has done our school proud by emerging a finalist (10th place) in the Grand Finals held at the Young Men Christian’s Association headquarters. This was no mean feat as there were two components to the Grand Finals. Afruz had to both present a prepared speech while also being mentally agile and confident enough to give an impromptu speech on the topic of kindness! Indeed, Afruz was ecstatic to be placed as the 10th finalist out of the 13 students nationally who made it to the Grand Finals. Let’s look forward to more great speeches from our budding speakers in future competitions!
Hurray Unity!