Character and Citizenship Education

The Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) department aims to develop responsible and respectful students & citizens with integrity by providing a learning environment where good values are instilled and cultivated.
Key Programmes for Character Development
Form Teacher Guidance Period (FTGP)
The main objectives of Form Teacher Guidance Period (FTGP) are to provide quality interaction time between Form Teachers and students, and to equip students with social and emotional (SE) competencies.
Conducted once a week, FTGP lessons allows purposeful student-teacher interactions and the explicit teaching of SE competencies. Teachers also make use of this platform for students to reflect and deepen their learning of the school values. Students will experience positive school experiences that support their holistic development and better prepare them for life.

Student Leadership
In UPS, we believe that every child can be a leader. With this firm belief, all students are given opportunities to learn leadership skills and platforms to exemplify these skills.
To ensure we achieve our student outcome of developing Effective Communicators, Student Leadership training incorporates effective communication skills so that students see the importance of being able to articulate and communicate effectively to become competent leaders. Progressive development in the leadership training also ensures student leaders are equipped with the appropriate skills in order to carry out their duties.

Caught in Action! (CIA)
In Unity where students exemplify the school values, students are rewarded when they are “caught” doing good deeds. Teachers and staff are always on the lookout for acts of graciousness and appreciation.
Students embodying the school values are presented with tokens of appreciation and their stories of good deeds are shared with the school.
P6 Camp Unité
The P6 Camp Unité is organised for our graduating cohort to have the opportunity during their last year in UPS to experience cohort activities to fortify community spirit and competencies as they embrace the challenges ahead for transition to the next phase of their educational journey. Through games and activities out of their classroom, students get to learn and demonstrate resilience, teamwork and self-confidence. They will also be motivated to give their best and have the desire to excel.
Key Programmes for Citizenship
National Education and Social Studies
National Education (NE), is part of our holistic education, firmly built on our school core values of Respect, Resilience, Responsibility, Integrity, Care and Harmony (R³ICH). It aims to develop national cohesion, cultivate the instinct for survival as a nation and instil in our students, confidence in our nation’s future. It also emphasises cultivating a sense of belonging and emotional rootedness to Singapore.
Commemoration of NE events in our school focus on engaging our students through their Head, Heart and Hands. Through the commemoration, students will know Singapore better, love and take pride in being Singaporean and look for avenues and opportunities to contribute and do their part for Singapore.

Values in Action (VIA)
With our focus on Values-Driven Education, what better way to exemplify our values than doing our part as Singaporeans, for our community and for our country. Our Values-In-Action (VIA) Programme hence has a focus on conserving our environment and emphasises the importance of keeping our environment clean. We hope to instil in our students a sense of civic-mindedness as well as build awareness among them, to spread the Green message to the community. Various activities are planned for the students to do their part for the community.
In the spirit of volunteerism, activities such as Food Donation Drive, Share-A-Textbook, Weekly Recycling Drive and Litter Picking@Pang Sua Canal are planned for students who want to do their part for the environment and community beyond the level planned VIA programmes.

Food Donation
Friendship Week
UPS, in conjunction with Kindness Movement, comes together as a school to spread positivity and kindness. In line with our vision of Caring Hearts, we go beyond ourselves, and think of creative ways to show that we care for people around us. It is about going beyond and spreading kindness, making someone’s day.

Moe Sexuality Education in Schools
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