Clubs & Societies
English Language, Drama and Debating Club
The English Language, Drama and Debating Club aims to develop our students into confident speakers. They learn to express their thoughts and opinions confidently towards topics like current affairs, education and even policies. They are taught oratorical skills and debating with their peers. In Drama sessions, they will learn theatrical skills that would enable them to be better performers on stage. Apart from vocal exercises and tongue twisters, students get to play games that aim to improve their reflex and teamwork during drama sessions as well. Students would also be trained to showcase a short play.
CCA TIC: Ms Tan YT, Mr Teo CS, Mrs Angeline Goh, Mdm Ang KP
CCA Advisor: Mdm Lakshmi
Greenovation Club
The Greennovation Club CCA aims to deepen students’ awareness and understanding of environmental issues and develop the values and attitudes that promote a greater sense of personal responsibility and concern for the environment. Students will have opportunities to work on various green activities and projects and at the same time, acquire life skills such as working collaboratively in a team and communicating their ideas and projects to others confidently. While looking for solutions to everyday life problems, they will be applying some of the concepts learnt in Science.
CCA TIC: Mdm Neo LW, Mr Fok CH, Mrs Hoe LK, Mdm Liu KM
CCA Advisor: Mr Kelvin Ng
Mathematics Club
The Mathematics Club aims to provide opportunities for students to develop their Maths cognition skills. Math is about pattern-recognition, logic and the ability to play with variables in one’s head. Researchers have said that through solving puzzles and Maths problems, these will improve the cognitive and mathematical abilities of children and also assists them with daily problem-solving capabilities. During the training sessions, students get to learn all this through play activities. They will develop their self-confidence, patience and level of concentration. Through perseverance, students will quickly realise that success only come after many attempts.
CCA TIC: Mrs Melissa Tan, Ms Li WJ, Ms Punitha, Ms Chow ZY
CCA Advisor: Ms Charissa Chan
Media Club
The Media Club CCA aims to expose students to different types of media tools that aid presentation and communication. During the CCA, students will learn about digital presentation and communication tools, go through relevant Cyber Wellness skills that are relevant to the tools learnt and be involved in the use of media equipment. Students will have the opportunities to practise what they have learnt through hands-on training during school events and activities and in curating digital artefacts for the school.
CCA TIC: Mrs Chon QP, Mr Khairul, Mdm Gan SM, Ms Nabilah
CCA Advisor: Ms Joscelin Lim
Young Artist Club
The Young Artist Club will introduce to students the many forms of Art. Students will get to express themselves through the Art they do and learn to appreciate their own work as well as others. There will be a lot of hands-on sessions where students get to work collaboratively with other members and showcase their works to the school. Through the various showcases, students get to express confidently their thoughts through the Art language they have learnt.
CCA TIC: Ms Corrine Fong, Mdm Norsahida,
CCA Advisor: Ms Corrine Fong