Applied Learning Programme
Our ALP, CAPtivate (Critical Thinking Accelerated Programme) @ UPS, has been implemented since 2015 to nurture critical thinkers and confident communicators in both the English Language and Mother Tongue Languages. Our ALP is carried out via three areas - our school-wide reading programme Read A Book Because It’s Terrific (RABBIT), CAPtivate Packages and Enrichment Programmes.
RABBIT aims to promote a culture of ‘reading wide and deep’ and to foster the love of reading, language mastery, fluency and comprehension. CAPtivate Packages are our in-house critical thinking lessons that anchor on Richard Paul’s Wheels of Reasoning and our Enrichment Programmes aim to expose students to learning beyond the curriculum.

Read A Book Because It’s Terrific (RABBIT)
The Read A Book Because It’s Terrific! (RABBIT) programme has been introduced since 2014. RABBIT encourages students to read a wide variety of books from different sources and think critically about what they have read.
Students can look forward to the latest book reviews with NLB, a meet-and-greet with a local author, or even the termly mass borrowing. In-house activities provide in-depth knowledge about books as they learn about the novelisation of their favourite movies such as The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss or The Midnight Gang by David Walliams.

CAPtivate Packages
CAPtivate Packages are critical thinking lessons (conducted in EL and MTL) specially curated for P2 to P5 students. The main pedagogical approach that the school uses in teaching critical thinking skills is through literature study, anchoring on Richard Paul’s Wheel of Reasoning.
English Language
The P2 package focusses on short stories whereas the P4 package is anchored on the book Matilda by Roald Dahl. Through this critical thinking lessons, the school hopes to nurture critical and independent thinkers in our students.
Mother Tongue Languages
P3 MTL and P5 CL and ML students examine the plots, themes and character development in short stories and novels that are closely related to CL, ML and TL culture. CAPtivate lessons are designed not only to develop students’ critical thinking, but also to instil joy of learning an appreciation of MTL literature.

Enrichment Programmes
The EL Enrichment Programmes aim to expose students to learning beyond the curriculum. Varied learning opportunities across levels are planned for students throughout their years in UPS. All students are engaged in a range of activities that provide opportunities for them to perform confidently, think critically and communicate effectively in front of an audience.

MTL Enrichment Programmes
To nurture active users and effective communicators of MTL, oracy and
creative writing enrichment programmes are incorporated into the P2 and
P4 curriculum in Term 1 and 2. Through these programmes, students acquire
the skills and knowledge to express themselves and communicate with others
with confidence, creativity and clarity.